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Adriana Correa

Adriana Correa Profile Photo

Empowerment Coach

I am Adriana Correa, Empowerment Coach and founder of SPECTRAL WIND 102 LLC a brave space for SELF CARE, NURTURING AND EMPOWERMENT. I lead and guide femmes in their spiritual and healing journeys, whether they are just starting to form a self care routine or are now more savy and ready to manifest the life they desire. I am a certified Reiki Master, a body and spirit Detox coach, and a motivational guide using Human Design as a blue print for life to help you reach the best version of yourself.

Dec. 17, 2022

Adriana Correa - Giving Yourself permission to Rest, and take a break

Are you a female entrepreneur who resists resting because you have a “Hustle and Grind” mindset”? Do you wonder why it exhausts you and makes you feel like you can’t keep up? This weekend on the Wellness and Wealth podcast, …

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