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Cheyenne Mease

Cheyenne Mease Profile Photo


Her success rests on a triad of innate calling, in-depth study, and real world experience. A sought after practitioner for over 30 years, her profound energetic awareness and down-to-earth, synergistic approach defies an ordinary label. Friends call her their “The Get er done girl,” clients consider her their Inspirationalist.
Cheyenne awoke to her calling very early in life. Her mission has always been helping people help themselves. To that end, she has undertaken years of ongoing study and training in a broad spectrum of disciplines including counseling, wellness, mysticism, and philosophy.
Her formal education includes intensive lectures by the14th Dalai Lama that touched her soul, spiritual mentoring by three of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, validating the work she is here to do, as well as extensive training with the Princeton Family Center, the American Polarity Therapy Association, the Spring Forest Healing Center, and the Network of Victim Assistance. In addition to that vast knowledge, she brings a profound capacity for empathy and intuition to every client in insightful, actionable ways.
Based in her home on a working farm in eastern Pennsylvania, this plainspoken grandmother is referred by medical practitioners, and called upon directly by individuals in need of support, guidance, and empowerment during difficult times. She serves both remote and local clients.

Nov. 9, 2022

Cheyenne Mease - How to Avoid Burnout

Are you a female entrepreneur wondering how to bring your passion and training and integrate it into your everyday life? Are you okay with having an ebb and flow in your work/life balance? On this week’s Wellness and Wealth podcast, …

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