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Julie Gilbert

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Dr. Gilbert is a pharmacist licensed in multiple states with years of experience in positions of leadership across various pharmacy arenas; military (US Navy), nuclear, retail, long-term care, and pharmacy benefits management. As the owner of PGx Solutions, LLC she is focusing on the education of healthcare providers, patients, and the public on the merits, both financial and clinical, of pharmacogenomic testing. She also brings Innovations in Wellness to the populace so they may be aware of alternative therapies available.

Dec. 31, 2022

Julie Gilbert - Stop Ignoring Yourself And Know Your Worth

Are you a female entrepreneur who finds excuses for their physical ailments? Or are you constantly making doctor's appointments for your family members but rarely for yourself? This weekend on the Wellness and Wealth podcast, Julie Gilbert of PGx Solutions, LLC addresses how we ignore our worth w…
Guest: Julie Gilbert