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Tricia Parido

Tricia Parido Profile Photo

Life Coach

Tricia Parido is a Recovery Lifestyle Enthusiast, Speaker, and Writer. She is a Nationally Certified Life Coach, an International Master Addictions Specialist, and a Professional Life Interventionist with a Psych Degree in Process Behavioral and Chemical Addiction who loves to help change lives! Specializing in life transitions and post-treatment journeys, Parido is ever committed to serving her clients worldwide to find the emotional intelligence they need to conquer their life challenges.
As an active business owner of a thriving coaching practice, Turning Leaves® Recovery, Life, and Wellness Coaching, seated in evidence-based practices, she not only teaches her clients how to live the life they desire and “live free”, but she also teaches those that aspire to become professional coaches how to do so, passionately, and professionally.

Tricia has co-authored a release, Stepping into the Spotlight, that went straight to the Bestsellers list in multiple countries and also was published in Raising the Bar Vol 2, which was featured on Innovators Radio and NBC. Beyond that Tricia has been published on SkillsYouNeed.com, Thrive Global, Elephant Journal and Aspire, a publication by Walden University where she also has presented her expertise to Alumni just as she did at Bernardo Moya’s The Best You Expo and the 2021 CAADE Conference on Effective Discharge Planning.

Dec. 7, 2022

Tricia Parido - There are NO good habits.

Are you a female entrepreneur who believes there is a difference between good and bad habits? Do you know even “good” habits could be holding you back from having an extraordinary life? This week on the Wellness and Wealth podcast, …

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